Frames Per Second

Thursday night was the opening reception for Frames Per Second at the Nicholas Metivier Gallery.  The show featured work by Charlie Bierk (who was featured in last issue’s “A Genuine Moment”) accompanied by Peter Horvath & Chris Soos as well as Renie Spoelstra.

The gallery showcased four of Bierk’s large black and white photo realistic paintings of his close friends and family: Ben, David, Martha and Spencer.  While seeing the paintings online is impressive, it can’t kind prepare you for seeing them in the flesh. There is vulnerability in the moments he has chosen to paint – a vulnerability that is intensified by the sheer size of the canvas and the viewer’s knowledge that Bierk painstakingly recreated every single detail on their faces.

Complementing Bierk’s large works were a series of his smaller pieces, much more emotive and experimental in style; a very cool contrast to the detail and precision of the others.

The opening night ran from 6:00PM until 8:30PM and was bustling with guests throughout the entire time. It was particularly packed when editors Tara & Aimee arrived at 7:30pm. As always, it was a completely heartwarming to see the entire Bierk family supporting Charlie in his latest endeavour.

Frames Per Second is an impressive and humbling exhibit that should definitely be checked out. Visit the Nicholas Metivier Gallery until August 18th.

Photography by Andrew Weir