Brooke Manning (LOOM) #4

Trinity Bellwoods was brimming with daydreamers this week. Certainly not a new observation, the first days of spring always have a way of sparking novel thoughts. A new climate coupled with the pleasantries of people watching, good company, locally made treats, and lemonade from White Squirrel can most certainly create a budding in any formerly frosty spirit. While soaking my ghost freckles in the sunshine this week, I found myself daydreaming of those that inspire me. Toronto is home to many prolific artists and I can’t help but feel taken almost daily by their contributions to our culture. For my last guest blog post, I thought I might highlight a few that have been popping up in my life recently. I hope that if for some reason you are finding it difficult to escape the past seasons grip as quickly as the smiles that litter Toronto’s parks currently, you may find some inspiration in these teeming muses I am so lucky to call friends.

I had the pleasure of watching Nicole act as a graceful insect during her Aerial Silk recital this week. She also creates some of the most delicate artwork I have encountered in Toronto.

From the series, Like Blinking, 2012.

Episode 1 of The Mojito Seasons (an off-shoot of Southern Souls) featured my pals Luke Lalonde and The Elwins spiking a homemade Beyonce cover in one take.

Devon is a painter, photographer, and thinker who grew up nearly next to me. Using inspiration from her daily surroundings, she is able to create surreal images that provide a colourful view into her unchartered mind.

Resisting Crayons, Opting for Wine, 2012.

I can admit I am having a difficult time writing about the power that is Robin Dann. So difficult to find the correct words, that I am in fact months behind on writing a proper review for her newest Bernice release What Was That. I feel that after watching this video, you’ll understand why.

OG Melody is the original melody, a bird song for the pleasure senses. In dedication to the heat and it’s groove, bodily love and lust, they offer what can only be explained as the smoothest jams ever to plank your inners. Beauties Isla Craig and Thomas Gill are OG Melody and I love them.