OTM x Lomography

Over the past couple of weeks OTM has been visiting Lomography’s first Canadian storefront on Queen West and we are so thrilled to share what we have been building with them. OTM is teaming up with Lomography Canada to showcase the talented analogue community that already exists in Toronto, and also offer avenues for newcomers to experiment with photography. Photography is a beautiful way to show off our city and the talent that lies within it. We couldn’t be happier to be working alongside such a creative company. In the coming months, with Lomography, we will be hosting events, photo contests and giveaways. Check back with us on the blog as well as OTM and Lomography Canada Facebook pages for some very, very, exciting things to come!

To introuduce OTM readers to Lomography we interviewed Jane Collison, the Online & Marketing Manager for Lomography Canada. Jane recently relocated to Toronto from the Lomo headquarters in Austria, where she had been running the Lomo magazine since 2009. Read our interview with Jane below and check out some photos from one of our visits!

OTM: When did the Lomography store open?

Jane: The Lomography Gallery Store Toronto opened in November of 2009 with a bang. Like all our parties: free food, cake and beverages were a plenty as well as a live band. To top it off we had one of the Lomography founders, Wolfgang Stranzinger and his family from Vienna, Austria, in attendance. (Wolfgang was one of the students who first stumbled upon the Lomo Kompakt Automat – a small, enigmatic camera while travelling through Soviet Russia.)

OTM: Why did you choose Toronto as Lomography’s home base?

Jane: Toronto was chosen as the first city in Canada to welcome a Lomography Gallery Store for many reasons, but primarily because of the amazing photography culture already thriving here. With numerous galleries, leading photography schools and yearly events, we knew the Lomography would feel right at home in this ever changing, multicultural city.

Being an international company we try to showcase what a multifaceted and talented town this is. During the Soctiabank CONTACT Photography Festival we formed The Toronto Lomography Pop-Up Collective and this September we will be featuring more artists, when we host the Diana World Tour!

OTM: For our readers that don’t know, what is Lomography?

Jane: What the hell is Lomography you say? Good question. Not long after the Lomo was discovered in Russia, the 10 Golden Rules of Lomography were written down and spread around the world as a guide to an experimental, spontaneous and creative analogue movement. Today we are a globally active organization dedicated to this unique imagery and style of analogue photography.

At our roots we are community that have been meeting online for years! Community members have profiles they blog on, share their photos as well as Like and comment on their friends work. We even have a user driven Magazine that includes the LomoLocations Section and Tipster Section where you can pick up and share some amazing info from all over the world!

OTM: What are your plans to get the analogue community of Toronto involved with the store and outside the store?

Jane: There’s always plenty going on at the store in Toronto. Every weekend we host workshops, and every Thursday we have a weekly event called Blue Hour. Plus until the end of the year we will have a whole slew of analogue exhibits passing through. To keep up to date on what is going on in-store just follow our Facebook page.

Outside the store, we have been working to make sure every event worth going to is covered by a Lomography camera One competition we are particularly proud of is hooking an online winner up with the honour of displaying their analogue shot at the TIFF Bell Light Box (winner TBA).

OTM: Your cameras are great for beginner photographers. What is your advice for someone who wants to get into shooting with Lomography in Toronto?

Jane: Before Lomography I did not know a thing about aperture, ISO, exposure or composition… and I still don’t! I know some photographers hate to hear that but, the great thing about Lomography is that it throws convention to the wind, allows you to relax and shoot like crazy, not knowing what you’ll end up with.

That said, any camera will get you totally hooked on the possibilities of your photos. Many people though, like myself, get started on one of the plastic cameras like the Fisheye2. The results are something you would never get on any app or Photoshop.

The classic Lomography camera is the Lomo LC-A+. Once you pick it up you will take it with you everywhere. It is the camera based off the original found in Russia and you will discover right away its addictive magic. What’s more it’s a class snap camera and really easy to use.

OTM: What are some spots in Toronto that inspire you the most?

Jane: If you ask me, you can’t go anywhere in Toronto with out wanting to shoot. Plus, with so many events going on, every weekend is a photo opportunity. But if you want to check out some that have inspired me lately check out these LomoLocations!

Little Italy . Cabbagetown . Toronto Island . The BMO Field

OTM: What is your current favourite camera and film?

Jane: For me the Lomo LC-A+ is my go to camera and always with me, literally. Feed it with some Lomography X-Pro Slide Film and you can’t go wrong!

OTM: Can you give just one of your shooting secrets?

Jane: Some Lomographers never look through the viewfinder when taking a shot but I always do, and sometimes for quite a while. For me it’s about catching a moment, an action, a gesture that represents a person.

OTM: How do you see Lomography’s future in Toronto?

Jane: We hope it will be firmly planted in the Queen West community we are located in and that it will become the go-to resource for every analogue shooter out there. We love to feature anyone working with analogue film, community projects or just up to something interesting on our website. As I said, we are a community-based organization and strive to be an outlet for people to connect, share information and inspire each other. So, get in touch! We would love to hear form you.

Photos by Tara Bartolini